Friday, December 20, 2019

IN the NEWS - Beware of "Angel Boards" (as the Occult Enters Christianity)

And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.
2 Corinthians 11:14

"Would you try to Christianize a Ouija board?

Because on the market (and apparently for some time now) are
boards that are takeoffs of the Ouija board. They’re called angel boards and other names.

The creation of the board itself involves sorcery: you burn some sage or a white candle, opt for white cardboard because white is “a divine aura color” . . . To use, you focus on positive things, ask the angels a question, and they will guide the “oracle” (the little piece that moves) to give your answer. And be sure and thank the angels for their time.

Promoters are quick to say that these are NOT the same thing as Ouija boards. That Ouija boards can be icky and can be used to talk to demons. Not so with the angel board, they say—it’s all positive and good. But critics correctly point out that this is just a Ouija board in disguise.

With either kind of board, users who get an answer believe they’ve connected with legit sources from the spirit world. And when they get a “positive” message, they don’t believe it could have come from a bad place.
They’ve forgotten that
---Satan gave Eve a positive message (Genesis 3:4).
---And Satan even quoted Scripture when he spoke to Jesus (Matthew 4:1-11).

Does anyone pause to consider what evidence there is that the angels authorized this kind of board as a communication device?"