Monday, December 16, 2019

IN the NEWS - Bestiality Enters Congressional Race

And thou shalt not lie with any beast to defile thyself therewith; neither shall any woman stand before a beast, to lie down thereto; it is perversion. Leviticus 18:13
These are the views of some of the men who want to run the country...

Democrat Candidate Cenk Uygur - Legalize BESTIALITY (Warning: Explicit Video)
Click on Yellow Link Below

"A video has emerged from 2013 of current Democratic House candidate Cenk Uyger saying he would legalize bestiality.

Uyger, the creator and host of the Young Turks show, is running for California's 25th District seat that was vacated by former Rep. Katie Hill (D) after details emerged of her inappropriate relationship with a staffer.
The video is from Young Turks in 2013 where Uyger tells co-host Ana Kasparian that if he had the power, he would legalize bestiality.
Cenk Uygur was 43 years old when he stated that if he was the benevolent leader of the world he'd legalize BESTIALITY. @BernieSanders and @RoKhanna you still backing #Cenk2020?"