Thursday, December 26, 2019

Creation Moment 12/27/2019 - Luther on Christmas & Creation

... Jesus came into the world to save sinners; of whom I am chief. 1 Timothy 1:15
"Here are some quotes by Martin Luther showing the connection of Christmas to creation.

Traditions say that Martin Luther, the great Reformer of the church and liberator of individual conscience,
---was the composer of “Away in a Manger
---and was the first to put lights on a Christmas tree.

 .... we can tell from some of his statements that he regarded the birth of the baby Jesus as a monumental event that was profoundly connected with the Biblical doctrine of creation. We offer these quotes for your enjoyment....

The Meaning of Christmas
That the Creator himself comes to us and becomes our ransom – this is the reason for our rejoicing.
The Reason for Christmas
We are beginning to regain a knowledge of Creation, a knowledge forfeited by the fall of Adam. By God’s mercy we can begin to recognize His Wonderful works and wonders also in flowers when we ponder his might and goodness. Therefore we laud, magnify and thank Him.
The Result of Christmas
Now if I believe in God’s Son and remember that He became man, all creatures will appear a hundred times more beautiful to me than before. Then I will properly appreciate the sun, the moon, the stars, trees, apples, as I reflect that he is Lord over all things. …God writes the Gospel, not in the Bible alone, but also on trees, and in the flowers and clouds and stars." CEH