Friday, December 13, 2019

Creation Moment 12/14/2019 - The Darwin Dictionary

"The Darwin Dictionary as a unique tool to help you engage
specifically in the battle over origins.
As Proverbs 27:6 tells us, “Faithful are the wounds of a friend.” No matter what worldview you bring to the table, we hope your thinking will be challenged and sharpened by The Darwin Dictionary. Happy reading!

Abiogenesis, n. – Rocks begetting life, in violation of the most basic, observed law of biology.

Apemen, n. – Ever-changing, imaginary creatures that inhabit museums and textbooks, concocted by speculation wrapped in conjecture bundled with an unhealthy dose of artistic license.

Big bang, n. – The logic-bending theory that everything was produced when nothing at all exploded.

Consensus, n. – What evolutionists appeal to when the evidence is lacking.

Convergent evolution, n. – The position of refuge for evolutionists who think that complex, sophisticated structures like camera eyes, billed snouts, sticky tongues, and electrosensory organs must have arisen multiple times by coincidence on separate branches of the evolutionary tree. Don’t bother them with the odds.

Dark matter, n. – The invisible, undetectable substance that supposedly holds the universe together, invoked liberally to prop up evolutionary cosmological theories that would otherwise fail to fit the evidence.

Dysteleology (poor design), n. – The not-at-all-pretentious
category into which evolutionists put the many ingeniously-designed biological features whose purposes they have failed to understand.

Evolutionary stasis (lack of change), n. – The part of the evolutionary process which has by far the most abundant fossil evidence—during which no evolution occurs.

God of the gaps, n. – The deceitful charge, seemingly immune to correction, that the case for a Creator is based on ignorance rather than positive evidence—a misrepresentation which evolutionists believe will become legitimate if they just keep repeating it.

Junk DNA, n. – Highly functional parts of the genome that specialize in confounding smug evolutionary claims that these genetic segments represent nothing more than clutter accumulated in the distant Darwinian past.

Living fossil, n. – An organism that refused to change over time, just so that it might bewilder evolutionary textbook authors.

Millions of years ago, adv. phrase – A heads-up that an ideologically-driven just-so story is coming next. Not so different from the phrase, “Once upon a time.”

Multiverse, n. – A desperate, evidence-free, unscientific gimmick to explain away the spectacularly precise fine-tuning of the
universe without resorting to a Creator.

Nebular hypothesis, n. – An easy way for solar systems to form from gas clouds, as long as the laws of physics (such as the conservation of angular momentum) need not be a constraint.

Peer reviewed, v. – Vetted by the evolutionary echo chamber.

Pseudoscience, n. – Any field of study that poses a challenge to naturalism.

Quantum fluctuation, n. – The phenomenon of subatomic particle materialization which strictly obeys the well-established laws of physics, yet which big bang proponents confusingly invoke in their attempts to circumvent these same laws of physics (i.e., postulating that something can spontaneously come from nothing for no reason).

Quote mining, n. – The reasonable creationist practice of accurately citing a leading evolutionary authority figure whose comments somehow escaped censorship from the Darwinian thought police.

Settled science, n. – A phrase evolutionists find useful to preemptively shut down critical thinking.

War on science, n. – The fearmongering ‘sky-is-falling’ narrative spun by evolutionists whenever their unscientific worldview is challenged in public."