Saturday, December 7, 2019

3 Necessities In The Work Of Saving Souls

"Spiritual death in the soul is evidenced by spiritual pride and a crippled experience; those who have such an experience seldom make straight paths for their feet.

If pride is nourished, the very qualities of the mind which grace, if received, would make a blessing, become contaminated. 

These may seem to be little things, unworthy of notice, but the seed thus scattered brings forth a sure harvest.
*It is these little sins, so common that they are often unnoticed, that Satan uses in his service.
"Seeing that ye have purified your souls in obeying the truth through the Spirit unto unfeigned love of the brethren, see that ye love one another with a pure heart fervently" [1 Peter 1:22]. 
If you would engage in the work of saving souls, the knowledge of God and of His Word must circulate in your heart, as the vital current of life circulates through your body.
1-Jesus Christ must be studied;
2-His Spirit must pervade your work.
3-Self must die.
Otherwise you might better choose some other work, for your service will not honor God."