Saturday, November 16, 2019

Papal Notes - Send in the SPIN doctors

Ye shall not do after all the things that we do here this day, every man whatsoever is right in his own eyesDeuteronomy 12:8

"A leading Anglican LGBT activist campaigning to
criminalize "reparative therapy" was warmly received by Pope Francis at Casa Santa Marta Thursday in the pontiff's private chapel.
Jayne Ozanne, who led the debate banning reparative therapy (counseling to help get rid of unwanted same-sex attraction) in the Church of England's General Synod, told Pope Francis that that she had tried to make herself straight through "conversion" therapy, and that such treatments had led many young people to consider suicide.
The LGBT campaigner also presented Pope Francis with a copy of her autobiography Just Love: A Journey of Self-Acceptance and a brochure of the Ozanne Foundation, which claims to work with "religious organizations around the world to eliminate discrimination based on sexuality or gender in order to celebrate the equality and diversity of all."
Ozanne's memoir has been criticized for its reductionist interpretation of Christianity and its substitution of Moralistic Therapeutic Deism for the gospel of Christ.
A day before Pope Francis met Ozanne, he met Justin Welby, archbishop of Canterbury, at Casa Santa Marta. Welby was accompanied by Abp. Ian Ernest, director of the Anglican Centre in Rome and Representative of the Anglican Communion to the Holy See.
Sources told Church Militant that Welby is the one who had
facilitated Ozanne's meeting with the Pope, but media spindoctors had been told to keep the two meetings apart."