Monday, November 25, 2019

Message to ALL Christendom

*How many of you have heard Church Leaders throughout Christendom present as hip and cool having "doubts" or "questioning" God's Word.? (sometimes they use the phraseology of  having a dialogue for a new view or look).
*How many of you hear Christians introducing the acceptance of open sin into the Church (LGBT, abortion, the Green Gospel in place of the Biblical Gospel, Evolution over the clear teaching of the Word, etc.)?
*Do YOU not see the Darkness you are being led into by these men (and women)?
--Well read below to open your eyes--

"The Jews rejected Christ; but they were self-deceived.
They hated his teachings,
---because he exposed the secrets of their hearts
---and reproved their sins.

They chose darkness rather than light, and would not come to the
light, fearing that their deeds would be manifest.
 "This is the condemnation," said Christ, "that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil."

The Jews rejected Christ until their eyes were so blinded by the moral darkness that they thought they were doing God service in crucifying the Son whom he had sent unto them to be a messenger of light and hope.

Very many are in danger of a similar deception.
God does not compel men to believe.
He sets light before them,
and Satan presents his darkness.
Minds that are submitted to Satan's control are led farther and farther from the light of truth into error and darkness.

It should not be considered a virtue to be on the side of the doubting rather than on the side of the believing.
---Jesus never praised unbelief, never commended a doubting, questioning spirit.
He gave to his nation evidence of his Messiahship in the miracles he wrought; but there were some who reasoned these evidences away, and in every good work found something to question and censure."
Signs Of The Times E.G.W./John 3:19