Friday, November 1, 2019

Juan Pérez de Pineda

And they that understand among the people shall instruct many: yet they shall fall by the sword, and by flame, by captivity, and by spoil, many days.
Daniel 11:33

"Juan Pérez de Pineda was from Andalusia, Spain. Little is known about his background. After becoming a Protestant,......When the
persecution broke out in Seville and Dr. Egidio was imprisoned in 1551 , Juan Pérez escaped and took refuge in Geneva , along with Jerome monks, Casiodoro de Reina and Cipriano de Valera, who were received by him; desde allí Julián Hernández , alias "Julianillo" ..., alias "Julianillo" because of his hump and small stature, transported a large number of copies of the Bible in Spanish to Spain.

While living in Geneva, Switzerland, he translated the New Testament, the Old Testament book of Psalms, and several Protestant writings into Spanish.
In the 19th century, literary critic Marcelino Menéndez Pelayo considered Pérez’s translation of the Psalms the best of all.
Years later, in a car of faith celebrated by the Sevillian Inquisition , twenty-one people were burned to death, including several Hieronymite monks and some women who met with them to celebrate the Protestant cult.
In a second faith car that took place in 1560, Juan Pérez de Pineda was charred in effigy along with Dr. Egidio, whose body had been unearthed for the occasion, and that of Constantine Ponce . .... In that same car fourteen people were burned, among them the aforementioned Julián Hernández , aka "Julianillo", relaxed for smuggling Protestant literature in Seville.

During the last days of his life, Juan Pérez de Pineda served as chaplain to Duchess Renata de Ferrara , who had made his domains host territory for persecuted Protestants.

Before dying, Pérez de Pineda left all his assets to cover the costs of printing the Bible in Spanish, a legacy that Casiodoro de Reina would later use to edit his translation.

Today, Pérez is still remembered and appreciated in Spain, especially in evangelical circles, and a street in Seville is named after him."