Saturday, November 23, 2019

IN the NEWS -Resurrection by God won't cause "Reperfusion Injuries"

And many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake,
some to everlasting life,
and some to shame and everlasting contempt.
Daniel 12:2

"Describing the successful operation as “a little surreal,” Professor Tisherman told New Scientist how he removed the patient’s blood and replaced with ice-cold saline solution.

The patient, technically dead at this point, was removed from the cooling system and taken to an operating theatre for a two-hour surgical procedure before having their blood restored and being warmed to the normal temperature of 37C.
He says that his focus is on pausing life long enough to perform emergency surgery rather than sending astronauts on interstellar journeys.
Prof Tisherman says that there may be a drug, or cocktail of drugs, that can help minimise these injuries but, he says: “but we haven’t identified all the causes of reperfusion injuries yet”."