Tuesday, November 26, 2019

IN the NEWS - Enmity of the Toronto Star

Because the carnal mind is enmity against God... Romans 8:7

"Canada’s largest newspaper threatened Catholic schools in an editorial that unless they get in line with homosexuality and transgender “rights,” support will only grow for an end to their public funding.

The Toronto Star’s Monday editorial also excoriated beleaguered Toronto Catholic District School Board (TCDSB) trustee Mike Del Grande and called for the board to censure him. 
Del Grande — along with Teresa Lubinski, Garry Tanuan and Nancy Crawford — voted November 7 after months of bitter debate not to add “gender identity, gender expression, family status and marital status” to the TCDSB’s code of conduct as prohibited grounds for discrimination.
The many delegates and opponents of the policy change argued that adding the terms endorses spurious gender ideology in Catholic schools in contravention of Catholic teaching, leading to great harm to students.
But eight trustees led by chair Maria Rizzo voted to include the terms, arguing that the board had to follow a ministry directive to align its code of conduct with the provincial code and the Ontario Human Rights Code. 
And now LGBTQ activists are piling on in an all-out attack on Del Grande, who is running for chair of the board in an upcoming election that will be held November 28."
1) The Church school shouldn't be taking Public Money.
2) But--WHY is everything sacrificed on the Altar of LGBT today? WHY are public officials obsessed with forcing LGBT down people's throats?
3) What happened to Freedom of Religion in Western so-called Democracies?
4) And WHO are the 8 trustees who Voted to Sacrifice Biblical positions at their Church School in Favor of the ways of the world?