Friday, November 1, 2019

IN the NEWS - (content warning) Austin School goes all out Gen.6:5

And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth,
and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.
Genesis 6:5

"The Austin Independent School District (AISD) Board of Trustees voted October 28 for a "sex education" program which teaches 3rd - 8th grade children various sexual acts including how to engage in anal sex. 

Protesters gathered to "Stand Up for Children" as the meeting loomed. They gathered to address the crowd but were interrupted by pro-curriculum advocates including a black transgender who screamed in front of the podium, harrassing the crowd.
Other protestors used loudspeakers and instruments to drown out the speakers, one waving a rainbow flag and another wearing a shirt saying, "I MET GOD. THEY'RE QUEER Y'ALL." 

Board of Trustees was undeterred by the concerns of parents and their rights. At the end of the meeting, running over five hours, the school board voted unanimously to pass the curriculum to the
applause of LGBT advocates.
AISD was forced to retract their prior sex education proposal during the summer when the 86th Texas Legislative Session made it illegal for government entities to contract out to abortion providers for sex education curriculums. To work around the law, AISD modeled their program after a Canadian pro-abortion/LGBT organization. The final product was created by AISD staff not medical or scientific professionals outside of the school district as critics noted. 

Sarah Wheat, Chief External Affairs Officer for Planned Parenthood in Texas, voiced her support for curriculum the Board of Trustees stating, "On behalf of Planned Parenthood and our review of these lessons, they are LGBTQ inclusive and comprehensive and we support all your efforts in leadership tonight."

Concerned citizen Gary Moore observed that the program is a "dream scenario for pedophiles" as it encourages children to roleplay sexual activities for an academic grade at the discretion of their educator.
Susan, an advocate for the curriculum, apologized to the LGBTQs in the room who may have found language used by those opposed to the program offensive. Susan made the implication that students expressing the same viewpoint would be sent to the principal's office for bullying.
Jennifer Fleck used her minute to read the school's curriculum taught to eleven year olds (explicit content warning):
How to put on and take off a male condom. Carefully open and remove condom from wrapper. Place condom on the head of the erect, hard penis. If uncircumcised, pull back the foreskin first. Pinch air out of the tip of the condom. Unroll condom all the way down the penis. After sex, before pulling out, hold the condom at the base, then pull out while holding the condom in place. That is accompanied by a picture of a male and a female straddlling each other. For eleven year olds!
Many more statements were made, both for and against."