Friday, November 15, 2019

IN the NEWS - Cancel Thanksgiving says GREEN CULT

Just when you thought the GREEN RELIGION/CULT couldn't get any kookier....I have seen the foolish taking root... Job 5:3

"The latest joy killing decree to be issued from the
environmental overlords is that Thanksgiving is canceled because your family meal is killing the planet.

How is it that some sweet potatoes and a pumpkin pie are destroying the Earth?
According to research done by Carnegie Mellon University, the carbon footprint of a 16-pound turkey creates a total of 34.2 pounds of CO2 — the same amount produced by turkey gravy, cranberry sauce, roasted Brussels sprouts, mashed potatoes, rolled biscuits and apple pie combined.

Researchers at Carnegie Mellon determined that four people flying a 600-mile trip produces 10 times the emissions of the Thanksgiving meal,” the report further whines.
Stay at home alone, in your pod, eating worms."