Monday, November 18, 2019

Health Note - Those Green Leafy Veggies

I wish above all things that thou in health..
3 John 1:2

"For the brain to function at maximum capacity it must be supplied with good, nourishing food. What you eat affects the mental as well as the physical health.

Eating green leafy vegetables keeps your brain strong.

Something as simple as eating more leafy veggies could significantly slow down cognitive decline and keep your brain healthier for a longer period of time.

Since declining cognitive ability is central to Alzheimer’s disease and dementias, increasing consumption of green leafy vegetables could offer a very simple, affordable and non-invasive way of potentially protecting your brain from Alzheimer’s disease and dementia.

The type of food they found had the most impact was green, leafy vegetables. People who ate 1–2 servings a day had the cognitive abilities of a person 11 years younger. In terms of nutrients, they found that vitamin K, lutein, folate and beta-carotene were likely doing the heavy lifting."