Saturday, November 2, 2019

Creation Moment 11/3/2019 - TESS upsets the Evolutionary Long Age Chronology Worldview whom also he made the worlds; Hebrews 1:2

Their Theory is Wrong because it was designed to fit a worldview that is Wrong.
The Planet didn't evolve around a patent star---rather it was Created and Designed to be where it is around that patent star.

"Using asteroseismic data from NASA’s Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS), an international team of astronomers revised the parameters for two exoplanet-hosting giant stars, HD 212771 and HD 203949, and found that the planet around HD
203949 should not exist in its location based on current theories.

HD 212771 is a G8-type bright subgiant star located about 364 light-years away from Earth. It hosts a Jovian planet with a minimum mass of 2.3 Jupiter masses in a 373-day orbit.
HD 203949 is a K2-type bright giant star about 257 light-years away. It has a massive planet (8.2 Jupiter masses) in a 184-day circular orbit around it.

Their aim was to understand how its planet, HD 203949b, could have avoided engulfment, since the envelope of the star would have expanded well beyond the current planetary orbit during the red-giant phase of evolution.

Based upon extensive numerical simulations, the scientists think that star-planet tides might have brought HD 203949b inward from its original, wider orbit, placing it where we see it today.
We determined how this planet could have reached its current location, and to do so whether or not the planet had to survive engulfment within the stellar envelope of the red giant star,” said co-author Dr. Dimitri Veras, a researcher at the University of Warwick.

Stellar analysis seems to suggest that
---HD 203949 is too evolved to still host a planet at such a short orbital distance,
---while from the exoplanet analysis we know that the planet is there.”