Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Creation Moment 11/21/2019 - No Shadowing = NO BIG BANG

And God set them in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth,...And the evening and the morning were the fourth day. Genesis 1:17,19

".....the cosmic microwave background (CMB) radiation, ‘light’ allegedly from the big bang fireball, casts no shadows in the foreground of galaxy clusters.

If the big bang were true, the light from the fireball should cast a shadow in the foreground of all galaxy clusters. This is because the source of the CMB radiation, in standard big bang cosmology, is what is known as the “last scattering surface”.

The CMB radiation shadowing effect, or more precisely the cooling effect, by galaxy clusters is understood in terms of the Sunyaev–Zel’dovich Effect (SZE).
This is where microwave photons are isotropically scattered by electrons in the hot inter-cluster medium (ICM) via an inverse Compton process leaving a net decrement (or cooling) in the foreground towards the observer in the solar system.

Of those CMB photons coming from behind the galaxy cluster less emerge with the same trajectory due to the scattering. Even though the scattered photons pick up energy from the ICM the number of more energetic CMB photons is reduced. After modelling what this new CMB photon energy (hence temperature) should be, a decrement can, in principle, be detected.

Starting around 2003 some published investigations, using this SZE, looked for the expected shadowing/cooling effect in galaxy clusters. No significant cooling effect was found, by multiple studies, including the WMAP satellite data.

A new analysis method (published 2013) confirmed that there was a measured cooling effect attributed to the SZE in about 100 clusters selected using the SZE or by their X-ray emissions.
However in about 10,000 optically selected clusters the opposite result was found, where the mean temperature rises to about 10 μK, an increment not a decrement.
The scattered CMB photons are hotter than expected. There is a heating not a cooling effect observed in front of all those 10,000 clusters."