Sunday, November 10, 2019

Creation Moment 11/11/2019 - Air Force should ask for their money back

"What caused the Big Bang? (Science Daily).
Someone at the University of Central Florida didn’t get the message that the big bang is completely different from a supernova. The authors of a new study about supernovas thinks that their model of ignition promises insight into how the universe began.
We explore these supersonic reactions for propulsion, and as a result of that, we came across this mechanism that looked very interesting,” he said. “When we started to dig deeper, we realized that this is relatable to something as profound as the origin of the universe.”
The key is applying the right amount of turbulence and mixing to an unconfined flame until it become self-perpetuating, at which point the flame begins to burn the ingested energy leading to a Mach 5 hypersonic supernova explosion.
This is hogwash.
Supernovas explode from pre-existing matter.
The alleged big bang started with nothing: no matter, no energy, no time, and no brains.

The Air Force that funded this study wanted to learn about hypersonic jet propulsion, not materialistic cosmology. They should ask for their money back."
For he spake, and it was done; he commanded, and it stood fast.
Psalm 33:9