Friday, October 25, 2019

Who's Attempting to Block the Pathway...?

Incline your ear, and come unto me: hear, and your soul shall live;
Isaiah 55:3

"Satan has cast his shadow athwart the pathway of every human being, in order that he may misrepresent God to the world.

He has clothed the character of God with attributes that are satanic, and wholly at variance with the truth.
He has pictured him
--as a being full of revenge, as a lawgiver whose law is beyond the power of man to keep,
--and he has implanted enmity in the heart of the sinner, so that man unregenerated is in rebellion against God.
This is the impression that Satan has made upon the human mind.

Those who present the law of God as a transcript of the divine character will blend with their teaching that which belongs with the subject, and will present the love of the Father and the Son.

When this is done, the shadow of the evil one will be removed from the hearts of men, and the clear light of Christ's love, illuminating the understanding, will reveal the character of God as of one who is infinite in mercy.
Sinners will behold Christ as one able and willing to cleanse from all sin. They will behold God not in his wrath, but in the sunshine of his love.

How many complain of the straitness of the way, of the trials and conflicts of the Christian life, and say it is hard to leave sin, and practice righteousness.
They talk of the power of Satan, instead of magnifying the grace of Christ. This is the baleful fruit of unbelief."
Advent Review & Herald E.G.W.