Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Stop with "Conjectures"

The entrance of Thy words giveth light;
it giveth understanding unto the simple.
Psalm 119:130

"We will never know until the day of judgment how many souls will be lost because of the acceptance of conjectures.

--Eve was first believing the lie of the serpent.
--Today millions distrust the Bible as a result of a system of conjecturing that was developed in the 17th and 18th centuries called “higher criticism.”
Higher criticism was first called conjectures by some of its originators and are accepted by millions of people today.
As a result, they do not believe the Bible.
People have put conjectures on the internet and thousands of people all over the world believe them.
The evidence that the Bible is the word of God is contained within the Bible itself so that it is evident to every diligent searcher."
StepsToLife/John J. Grosboll