Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Luther on the 2 Court Colors of Lucifer

Our soul is escaped as a bird out of the snare of the fowlers. Psalm 124:7
"The devil is like a fowler; of the birds he catches, he wrings most of their neck, but keeps a few alive, to allure other birds to his snare, by singing the song he will have in a cage.

I hope he will not get me into his cage

--For if the devil had no power but to plague us in body and goods, and vexed and tormented us only with the cares and troubles of this
life, he were no devil to make account of.
--But he has learned a higher art; he takes away and falsities the article of justification, privative et positive,
---and either tears the same quite out of our hearts, as in Popedom,
---or defiles it through sects and heresies, which hang thereon a gloss about works, or what not, leaving the husks of the nuts to the hearers, but the kernels are gone. 

The devil has two manner of shapes or forms, wherein he disguises himself;
---he either appears in the shape of a serpent, to affright and kill;
---or else in the form of a silly sheep, to lie and deceive;
these are his two court colors."
Martin Luther