Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Lesson of Pharaoh's Hardness of Heart

How long will you refuse to humble yourself before Me? Exodus 10:3

"PHARAOH is the type and image of proud men.

God permitted him to be left to the natural hardness of his heart.

No doubt they grew intoxicated with the fumes of the incense which their subjects willingly offered to them and so came to think themselves almost, if not quite, Divine—and assumed the position and honors of God, Himself.

It is not so very amazing, therefore, that Pharaoh should have thought that, in the God of the Hebrews, he had merely met with just another one of the same stamp as himself, against whom he could carry on war and whom he might even subdue.

That same pride which grew so strong in Pharaoh——that same kind of pride is in the hearts of men even to this day!
They do not take upon themselves the same high and mighty airs, but, as far as their circumstances will allow, it is still a duel between man and his Maker, between the sinner and his Judge.

Brothers and Sisters, who are fighting against God, you must either bend or break!
As God lives, you must bow before Him in repentance, or you shall be crushed beneath Him in the day of His anger!"
Charles Spurgeon