Wednesday, October 9, 2019

IN the NEWS - Vatican Blending Red & Green

Wickedness proceedeth from the wicked:
1 Samuel 24:13
"Liberation theology in South America has been financed for decades by the German bishops, causing great theological unrest and setting the stage for just such a revolution we see unfolding now.

In order to cloud over the issue of liberation theology, per se, much is being made of the need to be a so-called listening Church, listening to the wisdom of the people of the forest who are so close to Mother Earth.
This is a ruse to appear to be concerned with the poor, when in truth the poor are simply being used, weaponized as the indigenous peoples of the Amazon. 
Because these roughly 400 communities or tribes in Amazonia almost all engage in some form of earth or nature worship — pagan worship — or have deep roots in it stretching back thousands of years, the instigators in Rome and Munich recognized this and mention it seven times in the working document.
For example, "The aggression towards this vital zone (Amazon) of Mother Earth and its inhabitants threatens their subsistence, their culture and their spirituality."
Further, "It is necessary to grasp what the Spirit of the Lord has
taught these peoples throughout the centuries: faith in the God Father-Mother Creator; communion and harmony with the earth; ... the wisdom of civilizations going back thousands of years ... the living relationship with nature and "Mother Earth."

Almost every time the term "Mother Earth" appears, it appears just like that, in quotation marks.
That is a recognition of the language of the Amazonian communities, perhaps best summed up by a Sr. Edia López of the Sisters of Mercy, "Mother Earth is a goddess, venerated by indigenous peoples."
It is this kind of language that has raised deep concerns. In a recent interview, no less than Cdl. Gerhard Müller said of this kind of talk: "'Mother Earth': but this is a pagan expression."

Mother Earth worship, as was appeared to be the case in the Vatican Gardens last week, is just that — "worship."
Worship is reserved to God alone, so the issue arises, just who is being worshipped here.
In the spirituality of the millennia-old religions of Central and South America, the name of Mother Earth is Pachamama, the goddess of fertility. She is revered as the goddess who presides over planting and harvesting, embodies the mountains and causes earthquakes.
She is, in short, the giver of life, and the source of the earth, sun, moon and water. And she is not just a conceptual entity, a poetic name for creation, like Americans refer to "Mother Nature."
Pachamama is seen as a conscious personal being. Sacrifices are made to her."