Wednesday, October 23, 2019

IN the NEWS - Reich & "Rainbow Fridays"

And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.
Genesis 6:5

"A Polish priest is warning about the dangers of the "Rainbow Fridays" curriculum being pushed on Polish schoolchildren and how it connects it to communist forces.
Polish priest Dariusz Oko, an outspoken critic of the LGBT agenda, said, "It's not about education, it's sexual depravity!" 
Father Oko went on to say, "It is important to remember that genderists are like communists, and that is why they use the same lies and manipulations. Their main purpose is the depravation of children."

The professor at Pontifical University in Krakow, traces the "genderist" agenda to "their ideological father," Wilhelm Reich, in large part.

Wilhelm Reich, an early and influential psychoanalyst, thought that young people should start having sex as soon as possible. 

Author of The Sexual Revolution, a work in which he critiques "bourgeois sexual morality," and The Function of the Orgasm, in which he lays the blame of mental disease at the feet of suppressed sexual energy, Reich was influenced by sexual degeneracy of his childhood, according to Oko, which included propositioning tutors for sexual favors and blackmailing his mother, leading to her suicide.

Reich's communist leanings blended with his sexual theories, and he lamented that the early 20th-century Russian Revolution lost its fervor for sexual revolution when it resulted in millions of homeless children and increases in venereal diseases.
Reich argued that a full communist revolution cannot be realized without a sexual revolution.
Oko points out that such "Rainbow Friday" events are already carried out in Western Europe."