Sunday, October 20, 2019

IN the NEWS - Mayor/Pastor Pete FINALLY Got Something Right

Looks like Mayor/Pastor Pete FINALLY Got one thing right in his Democrat Nomination Quest...well, give credit where credit is due...
"South Bend, Ind., Mayor Pete Buttigieg ripped fellow 2020
presidential hopeful Beto O'Rourke's proposal to strip churches of their tax-exempt status if they don't support same-sex marriage, saying the move is tantamount to declaring "war" on faith-based groups and will only further divide an already polarized nation.
O'Rourke made the statement during CNN's LGBTQ forum on Thursday night, when he was asked if "colleges, churches, charities" who weren't pro-gay-marriage, should be denied tax-exempt status. He immediately answered, "yes."
Buttigieg responded to the incident on "State of the Union" Sunday and said O'Rourke is playing with fire.
"The idea that you are going to strip churches of their tax-exempt status if they haven’t found their way toward blessing same-sex marriage, I’m not sure [O'Rourke] understood the implications of what he was saying," he said.
"That means going to war, not only with churches, but I would think with mosques and a lot of organizations that may not have the same view of various religious principles that I do."
Amen, amen... Numbers 5:22