Wednesday, October 16, 2019

IN the NEWS - Man's Inhumanity Towards Man

And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.
Matthew 24:12

"More than 300 young men were rescued from another Islamic boarding school in Northern Nigeria, Monday.
Police say, the men were chained, tortured and sexually abused.
I think the situation became so bad, that they could no longer bare it. So I think it was yesterday that they revolted, and started rioting and escaping from this facility”, said Katsina police chief, Sanusi Buba.

The raid comes after an escape by some students on Sunday. Thus revealing the barbaric and horrific conditions they were living in.
‘‘If you do not finish it, they are going to beat you. If you vomit, you would eat the food together with the vomit. And when you want to go to bathroom or toilet, you will be naked, bare feet. And when you go to bed, you want to sleep, you’ll be lying on the back, all like dead bodies, 40 people inside one room.”, a survivor, Abubakar Saminu said.
Earlier this month, police rescued over 300 others including men and boys from another Islamic institution in Kaduna. Many of the students faced similar treatment."