Sunday, October 13, 2019

IN the NEWS - High Priest Preaches False Apocalypse Prophecy

Beware of false prophets... Matthew 7:15
The High Priest of the Green Religion (Al Gore) is back....but preaching a False Apocalypse Prophecy.....
Read his prophetic message of doom below...
"Former Vice President Al Gore called climate change a "life or death battle."

"Must we change? Yes we have to change. This is our generation’s life or death battle," Gore said during the keynote address at the C40 Climate Summit in Copenhagen with mayors from around the world.
Gore said he realizes that it is "extremely difficult" for government leaders to ask the public to "imagine the consequences of the choices we make today for good or ill." He called on mayors to help lead the fight against climate change.
"I'm here to recruit you. We need your help. The world needs your help," Gore said."