Friday, October 18, 2019

IN the NEWS - Eco Catholicism Goes CULT- will it be the next CULT that Snaps?

I marvel that ye are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel: Galatians 1:6
"Those experiences all came directly from the Amazon Region thanks to the four guests on the panel: they included an indigenous educator from Guyana, an expert in indigenous spirituality, and a specialist in indigenous rights, both from Brazil.
Ms Patricia Gualinga is an indigenous leader of the Kichwa community in Sarayaku, Ecuador. In her intervention she called for an “institutional commitment to save the Amazon.....Nature, she concluded, is our common home.
Fr Justino Sarmento Rezende has been a Salesian priest for 25 years, and is an expert in indigenous and inculturated pastoral spirituality in Brazil. His presentation focused on creating an Amazonian Church with “a new face”. He spoke of  developing “new ways of evangelizing”.
Dr Felicio de Araujo Pontes responded....“Nature has rights”..."
Vatcican News