Wednesday, October 2, 2019

IN the NEWS - Creeping / Creepy Leftist Authoritarianism vs. Religous Liberty

"Last week, the Labour Party from England held its National Conference. The news arising from that Conference is not that the Labour Party has turned socialist—it was founded as a socialist party in 1900. 

The big news is that in this Conference last week, the Labour Party adopted a platform  for abolishing private education—under the level of university— throughout Great Britain.
The arguments are equity on the one hand and liberty on the other.  One of the lessons of history is that you cannot simultaneously affirm any absolute form of equity and any legitimate form of liberty.
The two are not reconcilable.  You can seek to balance them, and that’s what a good society should do.
However, we live in a time where authoritarian leftism seeks to impose equality through social justice, even if it means denying the right of parents to send their children to the school of their choice
Here's where you see the rapid rise of authoritarianism and quasi-authoritarianism in the mindset which claims that government knows best.
American Christians should pay attention to this story because what takes place on that side of the Atlantic doesn't stay there.  
It pretty quickly migrates to the other side of the Atlantic."
My father made your yoke heavy,
but I will add to your yoke;
my father disciplined you with whips,
but I will discipline you with scorpions.
1 Kings 12:14