Monday, October 21, 2019

IN the NEWS - Catholic Priest is Right

I marvel that ye are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel:
Galatians 1:6

"A Dutch bishop is condemning the Amazon Synod for attempting to turn the Catholic faith into a "new religion" by "embracing
pantheism" and recognizing "pagan superstition as a source of revelation."
Bishop Robertus Mutsaerts of Hertogenbosch in the Netherlands has described the Working Document of the "so-called Amazon Synod" as promoting "eco-socialism, climate change, ecumenism, viri probati and the ordination of women."

There is a "single mention of Jesus," in the synod's working document, he wrote in a Thursday post on his blog,
"but not as Son of God and Savior," 
but as
"Jesus the philosopher,
and hippie."
By denying divine revelation and recognizing pagan superstition as a source of revelation, the bishop claims the synod is betraying "Christ’s unique work of salvation" and saying that there are "alternative ways that lead to salvation."