Saturday, October 5, 2019

Globular Sabbath

"Here are two passages of Scripture which we commend to the careful attention of the reader:—
(1.) The Sabbath was made for man.”Mark2:27.
(2.) God that MADE THE WORLD and all things therein . . . hath made of one blood all nations of men for TO DWELL ON ALL THE FACE OF THE EARTH.
God, who made our world,
made it of a globular form,
and made man to dwell on all the face of it.
And that the creation of the world might be commemorated, he set apart the seventh day of the week, because he rested upon it from that work, to be observed by the human family as the Sabbath of
the Lord.
The wisdom of God has given to our earth a globular form, and has caused it to revolve upon its axis. So far is this from presenting any real difficulty in the way of those who keep the definite seventh day, it is actually that without which such observance would be impossible."
J.N. Andrews