Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Creation Moment 10/31/2019 - Satan's Shiploads of Skeletons

As saith the proverb of the ancients,
Wickedness proceedeth from the wicked:
1 Samuel 24:13
"Darwinism is a package deal.
There’s something about hatred of God that drives people mad.
Satan is determined to kill and destroy humans through all means he can, including self-destructive behaviors like drug use, purposelessness and crime.
It’s no wonder, then, that his followers also love death.
--Some of them want to wipe out half of humanity because of
climate change or the disaster du jour.
--Leftists have few qualms about killing the most vulnerable: children in the womb, the mentally ill, and elderly and other vulnerable people who are a drain on society, “useless eaters” as H.G. Wells and other Social Darwinists would call them.
Satan got shiploads of skeletons with the tyrannical, Darwin-loving, anti-Christian regimes of Nazism and communism.
If Satan can’t kill, he perverts.
--The sexual revolution has shortened the lives of countless human beings who repudiated God’s instruction manual to fulfill their passions.
These were justified in the name of “science” and encouraged by perverts like Kinsey and Sanger.
--Leftists also work to shut down speech and prevent evidence against Darwinism from being heard,
As we evaluate the case for Darwinism vs Design, or Evolution
vs Creation,....We need to see The Long War Against God.*
--Darwin’s biological model is mistakenly called a “tree of life.” Satan must love how that term mocks the tree God planted in the garden and will restore in the eternal state. Darwin’s tree is a Tree of Death, planted by Satan, the father of lies, watered and fertilized by his minions."