Monday, October 28, 2019

Creation Moment 10/29/2019 - OOL Oops

For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible...
Colossians 1:16

"OOL (origin of life) material is shoveled out like Halloween candy to gullible kids, unaware they are being given poison.

What if chemicals could just come together and form life?
Then nature does it without a Creator, and we can live as we please!
This thought process, simplistic as it is, actually occurs.

Origin of life breakthrough: Charles Darwin’s creation theory ‘PROVED after 100 years’ (Express UK). This drool by Callum Hoare has to qualify for worst Big Lie about OOL in recent memory. “Proved” ...
Charles Darwin was the legendary 19th-century scientists best known for his contribution to the study of evolution, where he proposed that all species of life have descended over time from common ancestors – now widely accepted and considered a foundational concept in science. However, when Darwin published “The Origin of Species” 150 years ago, he deliberately avoided the subject of the origin of life, as he could not prove his ideas. Privately though – in a letter – Darwin told his friend, the explorer Joseph D. Hooker, that he could imagine a small, warm pool where the inanimate matter would arrange itself into the evolutionary matter, aided by chemical components and sufficient sources of energy.
Amazingly, that theory has been proved, according to astrobiologist Tara Djokik, who made an astonishing discovery in Pilbara, Western Australia.
It would be hard to exaggerate how goofy this article is.
It’s loaded with propaganda tricks beyond the opening Big Lie of the title.
Authority (“Charles Darwin”).
Euphemism (“legendary”).
Bandwagon (“now widely accepted”).
Loaded words (“breakthrough, amazingly, astonishing”).
Scrape out the propaganda and look for the data.
What is it?

Djokik found geyserite. That’s all. Geyserite, that greyish-white substance, also called siliceous sinter, that coats the geyser cones in Yellowstone Park.

What does that have to do with life? Nothing. Geyserite is dead. From some lifeless gray rock, Djokik envisions Darwin’s “warm little ponds,” like witch’s cauldrons, from which bubble forth (as all secular scientists claim) “evolutionary matter” (whatever that is; is it rock quivering with desire to become a brain?). Life must have “emerged” from hot water, he thinks, because Father Darwin imagined it. So geyserite PROVED Darwin was right?"