Sunday, October 27, 2019

Creation Moment 10/28/2019 - Influence of the Darwinian Regime

Yea, they spake against God; Psalm 78:19

"We have lived under the evolutionary regime for longer than people lived behind the Iron Curtain.

It has certainly affected our culture in hidden and not so hidden ways, with the evolutionary view being in the foreground, the first thing we see in our news and popular culture.
Everything is framed in terms of
--material explanations,
--material needs,
--material goals.

The good life is something to have, to experience, to master.
Subtle and not so subtle messages declare that worth comes from physical beauty, celebrity, or power. These are all things that would improve fitness, according to Darwinian theory.
So the regime has affected our thinking."
Ann Gauger/EN&V