Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Creation Moment 10/1/2019 - When the Big Bang goes Bust

For he spoke, and it came to be;
Psalm 33:9 NIV

"The currently leading evolutionary cosmogony (Gk. ‘birth of the universe’) is the big bang theory. This basically says: nothing exploded and became everything.

One part of this is energy turning into matter, as per the famous Einstein formula E = mc².

--However, when this occurs, the standard laws of particle physics state that an equal amount of matter and antimatter must be produced.
--Yet our universe comprises overwhelmingly of matter, with only rare and fleetingly short-lived antimatter particles, produced for example in experimental high energy collisions.
--These are of the same mass but opposite charge (if the particle is charged, and magnetic moment as the corresponding matter particle, which they soon interact with and are mutually annihilated—antielectron (positron) with electron, antiproton with proton, antineutron with neutron, etc.).
Q: How did matter survive annihilation from an equal amount of antimatter?

Well, according to big bang proponents, most matter was annihilated by antimatter, forming the photons of the cosmic background radiation.
And there are a billion of those photons for every proton. Therefore, they believe that the early universe contained a billion and one protons for every billion antiprotons—leaving just that one proton surviving.
But for energy to produce this slight imbalance, there would need to be asymmetry in the fundamental makeup of the universe. So researchers at the European Organization for Nuclear Research, or CERN, in Meyrin, Switzerland, have been trying to find imbalances between protons and antiprotons.

The experiment showed that the antiproton has an equal and opposite magnetic moment to the proton. I.e. not enough asymmetry to explain the overabundance of matter!
This has so undermined the big bang cosmology that the lead researcher, Christian Smorra, said:
All of our observations find a complete symmetry between matter and antimatter, which is why the universe should not actually exist."