Sunday, September 15, 2019

Those Songs in the Night

No one says,
Where is God my Maker, who gives songs in the night.
Job 35:10

"The world has its night.
It seems necessary that it should have one.
The sun shines in the day, and men go out to their labors; but they grow weary, and nightfall comes, like a sweet blessing from
The darkness draws the curtains, and shuts out the light, which might prevent our eyes from slumber; while the sweet, calm stillness of the night permits us to rest on our beds, and there forget for a while our cares, until the morning sun appears, and an angel puts his hand on the curtain, and draws it open once again, touches our eyelids, and commands us to rise, and proceed to the labors of the day.

Night is one of the greatest blessings men and women enjoy; we have many reasons to thank God for it. Yet night is, to many, a gloomy time.

We don’t need much poetry in our spirit, to catch the song of the night, and hear the planets and stars as they chant praises which are loud to the heart, though they are silent to the ear—the praises of the mighty God, who holds up the arch of heaven, and moves the stars in their courses.

Man, too, like the great world in which he lives, must have his night. For it is true that man is like the world around him; he is a little world; he resembles the world in almost every thing;

and if the world has its night, so has man.
And we have many a night
nights of sorrow,
nights of persecution,
nights of doubt,
nights of bewilderment,
nights of anxiety,
nights of oppression,
nights of ignorance—nights of all kinds, which press upon our spirits and terrify our souls.
But, blessed be God, the Christian can say, “My God gives me songs in the night.”