Monday, September 9, 2019

Those 2 Yokes

"All through the book of Jeremiah you will observe that the prophet taught the people not only by words, but by symbols.

@At one time he took his mantle and hid it in the earth till it was soiled and worn, and then taught them something by wearing it.
@At another time he took an earthen pot and broke it in their presence.
@And on this occasion he put a yoke about his own neck as the token that Israel should be subdued beneath the power of Nebuchadnezzar.

Hananiah took off the symbolic yoke, the wooden yoke, from Jeremiah's neck and broke it. Jeremiah comes again, and says, "You have broken the yoke of wood, but God has commanded that ye shall now wear yokes of iron." (Jer.28:13)
They were not benefited, therefore, by the change, but the reverse. This is suggestive of a broad principle.
From the symbol, which was applicable in one case, we draw a general truth.
Whenever men say of God, "Let us break his bands asunder, and cast his cords from us," they may do so if they will; but instead of the yokes of wood they will be sure to get yokes of iron.

If they will not submit to the
government of Christ,
they will have to submit
to the tyranny of Satan."
Charles Spurgeon