Sunday, September 8, 2019

The 3 Parts of Rev.5:10

And hast made us unto our God kings and priests;
and we shall reign on the earth.
Revelation 5:10

"John, the highly favored apostle of the Apocalypse, has given us just one note from heaven's song; we shall strike that note, and sound it again and again. .....hear one of the key notes. "And hast made us unto our God kings and priests; and we shall reign on the earth." 

There are three things in it:
first, the Redeemer's doingsand hast made us;
secondly, the saints' honorsand hast made us kings and priests unto our God;and,
thirdly, the world's futureand we shall reign upon the earth.

I. First, then, we have THE REDEEMER'S DOINGS. They who stand before the throne sing of the Lamb—the Lion of the tribe of Judah, who took the book and broke the seals are making progress in holiness.
Well, but who made you have that progress?
Who redeemed you from that lust?
Who ransomed you from that vice?
Who bade you say farewell to that practice in which you indulged? Cannot you say of Jesus, "And hath made us!"

II. Now, secondly, THE SAINT'S HONORS: "and hast made us unto our God kings and priests."
...who are kings and priests are great indeed; and here you behold the saint honored, not with one title, or one office, but with two. He is made not a king merely, but a king and a priest; not a priest merely, but a priest and a king. The saint has two offices conferred upon him at once.

III. Now, I have to close up with THE WORLD'S FUTURE. "We shall reign on the earth."
...the kingdom of Christ shall have the upper hand; it shall not be cast down—this shall not be Satan's world any longer—it shall again sing with all its sister stars, the never ceasing song of praise."
Charles Spurgeon