Sunday, September 29, 2019

SDA Issues- Youth used as Proganda Tools on Sabbath

Do ye thus requite the LORD, O foolish people and unwise? is not he thy father that hath bought thee? hath he not made thee, and established thee? Deuteronomy 32:6
"Pathfinders in the city of Hull in the UK, led a crowd of thousands marching against knife crime this Saturday, September 21.
ITV reported that the Pathfinders marched from the city’s Bonus Arena to the Hull docks.

Ahead of the march, Pastor Mo Timbo who represented the PH Hull Church at the city’s Trinity Methodist Church, told the Hull Daily Mail that 3,000 people would be joining the march.
The Pathfinders are supporting a #NoMoreKnives campaign that has been running in the city.
The campaign is aimed at educating young people as to the danger of carrying knives and discovering reasons for their prevalence among young people."

Q: So THIS is how our Pathfinders are encouraged to spend the Sabbath? Engaged in Political Activism?
Q: So the Church Leadership has decided to use the youth in waste-of-time political propaganda?
What purpose could possibly be achieved by marching against knife violence? I mean, who is FOR knife violence other than the criminal perpetrators of the violent act? Do criminals pay attention and heed to these marches? Of course not. (the UK, especially London, has had a surge in knife violence--so they've been pushing for knife control. It is akin to this side of the pond-those who push for gun control, but the bad guys will still get who  in "Leadership" is engaged in using our youth as political propaganda tools on Sabbath?).