Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Papal Notes - September 2019

"Pope Francis is calling upon the world to invoke prayers during the month of September 2019 for the health of the ocean.

The call by Pope Francis to protect the oceans came while Hurricane Dorian was making its way around Puerto Rico.

Ecology has become the new religion – a religion that cares more about the seas than for the sins of humanity.

The churches are lining up to push this new green gospel. So remember, during the entire month of September 2019, Pope Francis wants the world to come together to combat the deterioration of the oceans. Seriously. The pope wants “politicians, scientists and economists” to save our seas.

Under the leadership of Pope Francis the churches are working together to heal the oceans – even as the spiritual health and life of society is disappearing.

Sin is the true cause of misery in our world. Our planet suffers
because of sin and the only remedy for our world is found in the gospel of Christ. Any gospel that does not seek to save mankind is sowing confusion.
And we have been warned by Jesus to save humanity, not the ocean:
For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?” Matthew 16:26."