Monday, September 2, 2019

Papal Notes - Manipulative Words

"Human beings have caused “a climate emergency that gravely threatens nature and life itself,” Pope Francis said Sunday before urging “drastic measures” to fight global warming.

In his Message for the World Day of Prayer for the Care of
Creation, the pope adopted the apocalyptic language encouraged by climate alarmists to frighten people into taking action.
Too many of us act like tyrants with regard to creation,” he declared. “Let us make an effort to change and to adopt more simple and respectful lifestyles!”

Recent studies have shown that the language of “climate change” and “global warming” do not stir up an emotional reaction in people and so climate alarmists have issued an appeal for the use of more powerful expressions to provoke people to action.
Last April, a team of advertising consultants from SPARK Neuro released the results of a study suggesting that worn-out expressions such as “climate change” do not frighten people enough, whereas stronger vocabulary  such as “climate crisis” and “environmental collapse” produced a significantly stronger
emotional response.

The expression climate crisis,” for instance, got “a 60 percent greater emotional response from listeners” than “climate change,” the study found.
In its research, SPARK Neuro measured physiological data such as brain activity and palm sweat to quantify people’s emotional reactions to stimuli.
Of six different options, “global warming” and climate change” performed the worst, beaten handily by “climate crisis,” “environmental destruction,” weather destabilization,” and “environmental collapse.”

The pope has apparently joined the climate alarmists in employing more incendiary language, dropping his former references to climate change to speak of a “climate emergency” and an “environmental crisis” in Sunday’s message." Breitbart

And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent,
called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world:
Revelation 12:9