Friday, September 6, 2019

Papal Notes- Hmmm...Why Could The Pope Be Going Broke?.. Hmmm....

"The "Pope of the Poor" is running out of money.
Reports from the Vatican indicate the deficit doubled in 2018 to $76.7 million on a budget of $331,378,500.

Pope Francis wrote a letter to Cdl. Reinhard Marx, head of the Vatican's financial oversight council, expressing the gravity of the situation in May, but the letter has not been made public. Now, a Sept. 20 meeting of Vatican department chiefs to address the issue is scheduled.
"I ask you to study all measures deemed necessary to safeguard the economic future of the Holy See and to ensure that they are put into effect as soon as possible," Pope Francis told Cdl. Marx.

The cost of reassigning multiple locally disgraced clergy to cushy jobs at the Vatican have been added to the mix.

---Bishop Franz-Peter Tebartz-van Elst of the Limburg, Germany, diocese, aka the "Bling Bishop," was removed due to public backlash against his spending an estimated $42 million on remodeling his diocesan center and residence, including $1.1 million for garden landscaping
and even $22,000 for a bathtub, in October 2013.
Now, Tebartz-van Elst lives in Rome employed as a "delegate for catechesis" in the Council for New Evangelization. 

---Bp. Gustavo Zanchetta of Argentina who was suspended from his Vatican post in February after he was publicly accused of sexually abusing seminarians in 2016–2017. 
In June, Argentine officials criminally charged Zanchetta with "aggravated continuous sexual abuse" of two seminarians. He was also charged with financial misconduct, which included selling a diocese building for $800,000 improperly and leaving the transaction off the diocesan books.
He disappeared for some months, resurfacing in Rome in December 2017 as an "assessor" for the Administration of the Patrimony of the Apostolic See (APSA), the Vatican's financial
office which oversees millions of dollars in Church real estate in Italy and around the world and the Holy See's investment portfolio. 
It has since emerged that Pope Francis created the position for Zanchetta and that he brought his friend to Rome after learning of the allegations against him."
If thieves came to thee, if robbers by night, (how art thou cut off!) would they not have stolen till they had enough?
Obadiah 1:5