Thursday, September 19, 2019

On the Streets of Babylon: Worship around the Phallus?

Babylon is fallen, is fallen,... 
Come out of her, my people,

Revelation 14:8/18:4

There seem to be some worship services around a  "Phallus" on the Streets of Babylon ......

"An Indian bishop has provoked a backlash from Catholics and Hindus after he celebrated the Holy Eucharist using saffron robes worn by Hindu priests before a tabernacle in the form of
Shivalinga the phallus of the Hindu god Shiva.
Bishop Derek Fernandes and his concelebrating clergy were photographed at Mass wearing Hindu clerical vestments and sporting rudraksha malas — a necklace of Hindu beads.
The clerics had also smeared their foreheads with a sacred vermillion paste called tilak — one of the most visible symbols of the Hindu religion.
However, what is most shocking is that the tabernacle .... should be shaped like a Shivalinga — which is the phallus of the god of fertility and destruction, Shiva, inserted into the female genitals of his consort Parvati.
Father Nelson Pinto, a priest of the diocese, defended the "inculturation" by explaining that when the first Jesuit priests went to Deshnur, in a predominantly Lingayat (a Hindu sect worshipping Shiva) region, they adopted the local culture.
"The Jesuit priests became vegetarians and embraced other local practices," Pinto said.
"They did not do it to convert the people who lived there," he clarified.
However, Hindus have interpreted the act as a covert attempt at conversion and a desecration of Hindu symbolism."