Saturday, September 14, 2019

On the Streets of Babylon: Pagan Idols - Literally

Babylon is fallen, is fallen,... 
Come out of her, my people,

Revelation 14:8/18:4

There seem to be some  "Pagan Idols" on the Streets of Babylon ...
"Last week, a fifteen-foot-tall totem meant to represent a pagan god from Eastern Europe was put on display in a historic 200-year-old mainline Protestant church in Binghamton, N.Y. The church hosted the image of the idol as part of the LUMA Projection Arts Festival.
"Sviatovid will materialize on the altar of Binghamton United Presbyterian Church with additional content," the festival website announced.
"A fifteen-foot-tall faceted totem, Sviatovid is inspired by a ninth
century Slavic deity and a medieval sculpture of the same name. With four faces, Sviatovid was not omniscient, but could take in the world from literally all four cardinal directions," the LUMA festival website explained. "In keeping with the deity’s origin story, Sviatovid is on an intercontinental expedition to bring people closer together."
As Aden explained, the totem is based on an archaeological artifact discovered near the Zbruch River in Western Ukraine. ...some scholars have argued that it depicts the pagan god Perun, the god of war, fertility, and abundance — a god historically viewed as being in competition with the Christian God."