Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Individuality in Religion

"From the Scriptures it is plain that the divine right of individuality in religion stands supreme in the presence
--of autocratic monarchy; in the presence of any decree, statute, or law, of any government;
--in the presence of the church in control of the civil power;
--and in the presence of the church itself, even within the membership of the church.

Thus, that there is to be a judgment-seat of Christ and of God where all must appear, each to answer for the deeds done in the body - this is one of the mightiest guarantees of perfect individuality in religion, and one of the strongest possible pleas for the recognition of it by every soul always.

Finally, the whole thought and truth of perfect individuality in religion is splendidly summed up, and powerfully emphasized as well as clearly expressed, in the inspired conclusion, -

"So then every one of us shall give account of HIMSELF to GOD." Romans14:12.
