Sunday, September 1, 2019

IN the NEWS - When Evil Inventions Turn Evil themselves

...inventors of evil things,... Romans 1:30

"He's the whistleblower that the future deserves and that the future needs: one expert is sounding the alarm on sex robots, according to The Daily Star.

Oh, and his name happens to be Brick Dollbanger (Yes, it's his real name. Yes, we checked several sources). Dollbanger, a doll collector, has said that "violent repercussions" are possible if the sex robot industry isn't regulated properly. He says that one simple "coding error" could turn sex robots against their owners.
 "It scares me to death, it's a machine and it's always going to be a machine," Dollbanger said."
He continued: "I've always said, when a synthetic can support itself, that synthetic is going to be much stronger than a human,...and it won't get tired. It won't stop unless it runs out of an energy supply. Unless you can stop it with some kind of projectile, like a gun...if this thing got out of control it could do some serious damage. could put it's arm around your neck and just stop you from breathing...something as simple as that...a simple hug."