Sunday, September 15, 2019

IN the NEWS - Playing God in Space

He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh.. Psalm 2:4

"Asgardia unveiled plans to build a fleet of “cosmic Noah’s arks” orbiting the Earth, at a cost of roughly £100billion a piece for its micro-nation.

Former Liberal Democrat MP Lembit Opik was elected as the chairman of the Parliament of Asgardia during its first session in Vienna, Austria.
Opik told iweekend:
 “Lots people are building rockets, Asgardia is about building the society to go with them.
At some point in the future, ordinary people are going to have to inhabit space and we are not going to build a social infrastructure from mission control.
It has to be built by consent – painstakingly and comprehensively.
We have to decide the rules and methods on everything from burials to taxation, from marriage to procreation."
Asgardia says it will be sustained by charging its first seven million “primary Asgardians” €1,000 (£900) for formal citizenship and a passport and seeking a further €1billion (£90million) each from seven unnamed “primary investors”."