Sunday, September 1, 2019

IN the NEWS - Macron (& others) Bearing False Witness

Thou shalt not bear false witness... Exodus 20:16

Macron of France was bearing false witness against Brazil over the Amazon Fires by using an old picture to bash Brazil...and others by PURPOSLY Mischaracterizing the Amazon Fires for POLITICAL PROPAGANDA for their Green Religion....

"The G-7 nations pledged Monday about $40 million to help fight fires in the Amazon rainforest in response to the outcry from celebrities, media outlets and leaders like French President Emmanuel Macron, who said the blazes represented an “international crisis.”

Climate scientist Roy Spencer had another term for the fires: “normal agriculture.”

I think the media focus on this is misplaced and exaggerated, as is virtually every weather-related story that appears these days,” said Mr. Spencer, a respected former NASA scientist.
“The driest years in Brazil will have the most fires set by farmers,” the professor at the University of Alabama at Huntsville said in an email. “That isn’t a climate story, it’s normal agriculture in a country where 50 million people living in poverty are trying to survive.”

After finding last week that the Amazon fire activity “has been close to average in comparison to the last 15 years,” the NASA Observatory said Saturday that there has been a slight “uptick,” making 2019 “the most active fire year in that region since 2010.”

Data from the Global Fire Emissions Database of Amazon Region
fire activity dating back to 2003 showed 2019 falling somewhere in the middle of the pack, with the number of fires as of Saturday at nearly 110,000.
Dan Nepstad, president of the Earth Innovation Institute, told Forbes that the number of 2019 fires is 7% above the average of the last 10 years, even as deforestation fell by 70% from 2004-12 in the Brazilian Amazon.  About 80% of the Amazon rainforest is intact, and half is protected under Brazilian federal law.

@The photos you probably saw weren’t of today’s fires in Brazil.
@Amazon isn’t the “lungs of the world”.
@Deforestation is 75% below 2004 peak.
@Forest fires not increasing.
@Fires 7% more than decadal average.

Such facts run counter to the widespread narrative depicting the Amazon going up in flames and on the brink of deforestation, thanks to the pro-development policies of President Jair Bolsonaro, the so-called “Brazilian Donald Trump” who took office in January.

In addition to Mr. Macron, liberal celebrities such as Madonna, Leonardo DiCaprio, Cristiano Ronaldo, Jaden Smith and Shakira have stoked alarm about the fires on social media. 
Also going viral are photos declared fake by fact-checkers at such media outlets as Agence France-Presse and Mother Jones, which noted that Mr. Macron tweeted an image taken in 2003.

Also going viral was the errant claim that the Amazon produces 20% of the earth’s oxygen, as tweeted by Mr. Macron and Rep. Ro Khanna, California Democrat.
But even Penn State climate scientist Michael E. Mann, a leader of the global-warming movement, said that was too high. 
In fact, Mr. Mann tweeted, even 6% would probably be too high, because “plants both photosynthesize and respire.

Most but not all of the Amazon basin is in Brazil, which has six of the 10 Amazon districts.  Three others are in Bolivia and one is in Peru, but Bolivian President Evo Morales, a socialist, has received none of the international condemnation heaped on the conservative Mr. Bolsonaro.
In 2015, Mr. Morales told a crowd at the World People’s Conference on Climate Change that, “Capitalism is Mother Earth’s cancer.”
The fires in Bolivia are being ignored by the media because Bolivia’s government is socialist and does not fit the narrative of evil ‘right-wing,’” Mr. Morano said. “Bolivia is protected from media criticism because they are the politically correct political leaders.”

The incidence of fire was higher from 2003 to 2007 and in 2010, during the administration of former Brazil President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, a member of the Workers’ Party, although he received little in the way of international backlash."
As one can see from this NASA Map of the Fires...they are NOT just in Brazil...
Nor just in the Amazon......SHAME on "Christians" who have played along with, or 
sympathize with Politicizing yearly Forest Fires by Bearing False Witness...