Wednesday, September 11, 2019

IN the NEWS - Evil Fetish Emerging

And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.
Genesis 6:5

"A new sexual fetish has emerged where couples repeatedly get pregnant then have multiple abortions.
Every day we stray further from God’s light.
In a Reddit post entitled ‘Question regarding abortion and breeding fetish’, one user reveals how she has “a female friend who has a
really powerful fetish for breeding” and never used birth control.
She is with a male partner currently who is just like her, into breeding and they have been practising their fetish for quite a few abortions,” the post reads.
Another male respondent then shared details of his own abortion fetish lifestyle.
I know this fetish. My girlfriend and me have the same fetish. My girlfriend enjoys her pregnancies and she enjoys the abortion. Her preferred date to abort is between 20 and 24 weeks of gestation. I enjoy making her pregnant. And I enjoy the time of her pregnancy. She has no menstrual period and she is sexually very active,” he writes.
In the last ten years in our relationship we have done seven abortions and my girlfriend is pregnant again with a little girl,” he adds.
Another respondent then praises him for sharing his fetish, writing, “It is good (and rare) to hear of a couple (both man and woman) where both members are into abortion and pregnancy. This is a wonderful and potent example of personal power, where sex meets violence and creation combines with destruction.”
Truly sick.
Given that the left has turned abortion from something that used to be a shameful last resort into a celebrated virtue, it becoming a sexual fetish was always the next (il)logical step."