Saturday, September 28, 2019

Creation Moment 9/29/2019 - Mysteries of the First & the Last

I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last.
Revelation 22:13

"The team’s work is among the first to reveal the quantum properties of time, whereby
--the flow of time doesn’t observe a straight arrow forward,
--but one where cause and effect can co-exist both in the forward and backward direction.

To show this scenario, the physicists merged two seemingly conflicting theories — quantum mechanics and general relativity — to conduct a Gedankenexperiment, a way of using the imagination to investigate the nature of things.

The discovery arose from an experiment we designed to bring together elements of the two big — but contradictory — physics theories developed in the past century,” Dr. Zych explained.
Our proposal sought to discover: what happens when an object massive enough to influence the flow of time is placed in a quantum state?”
Einstein’s theory described how the presence of a massive object slowed time,” she added.

Imagine two space ships, asked to fire at each other at a specified time while dodging the other’s attack.”
If either fires too early, it will destroy the other.”
In Einstein’s theory, a powerful enemy could use the principles of general relativity by placing a massive object — like a planet — closer to one ship to slow the passing of time.”
Because of the time lag, the ship furthest away from the massive object will fire earlier, destroying the other.”

The second theory, of quantum mechanics, says any object can be in a state of superposition. This means it can be found in different states — think Schrodinger’s cat.”
Using the theory of quantum mechanics, if the enemy put the planet into a state of quantum superposition, then time also should be disrupted,” Dr. Zych said.
There would be a new way for the order of events to unfold, with neither of the events being first or second — but in a genuine quantum state of being both first and second.”