Thursday, September 19, 2019

Creation Moment 9/20/2019 - The Magic School Bus Rides Again

And God saw everything that he had made, and behold, it was very good.
Genesis 1:31

"Most people are familiar with the popular 1990s animated TV show, The Magic School Bus, spawned from a book series of the same title. This show was brought back by Netflix (as The Magic School Bus Rides Again) in 2017, and the authors have a new book planned for release next summer, The Magic School Bus Explores Human Evolution.

Well, when it comes to this particular book—“magic” is a good word to use because they’re trying to trick (indoctrinate) kids to see something that didn’t happen and isn’t happening!
The authors say that it’s important to teach children about evolution, including human evolution, because “it is still at work today” (largely thanks to climate change, the author claims) and because, quoting evolutionary biologist Theodosius Dobzhansky, “nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution.”
The only example of the so-called continuing of evolution given in the interview is bacterial resistance. But this isn’t evolution.
The bacteria aren’t gaining anything new. Their resistance is a result of the
or corruption (mutation)
of already existing genetic information.
Nothing new is being added! But evolution would require the addition of brand-new genetic information to form features that were never there before. And we never observe that in bacteria or anywhere else, ever!"