Sunday, September 1, 2019

IN the NEWS - Coming to America???

...and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.
Revelation 13:15

Just a THOUGHT, but could this type of System be used to help Implement the Mark of the Beast (Counterfeit Sabbath) in the End Times? In other words-could it be used as part of an Enforcement Mechanism?...just something to ponder...

"Since 2014, the Communist Chinese government has been perfecting its internet monitoring system, which spies on its citizens' online activity.

Using the data, the Chinese can "blacklist" various citizens whose online comments they deem undesirable and lower their credit rating, restricting them from traveling, being barred from better schools, jobs and even from getting a loan.
Beijing is now applying its system to foreign businesses in China in the ongoing trade war with the United States.
Companies deemed "bad actors" can lose access to preferential policies, face stricter regulations and be denied loans or land access.
But the rise of what's called "giant tech" is making China's system an American reality.
Well, I think we're just at a really important point in human history. I think for a while we had tech that was politically neutral. Now we have tech that really, first of all is taking sides in a political contest, which I think, you know, anytime you have big corporate power merging with political parties can be dangerous.
If Democrats are successful at consolidating even more political power with their ideological allies in tech .. many— can expect to get the "Chinese treatment" and be shunted to the margins of society."
"Big Tech Masters of the Universe are developing systems to monitor and regulate personal behavior that closely resemble China’s totalitarian social credit” system.

This may sound alien and Orwellian, but as Fast Company notes, Silicon Valley is bringing a version of this grim reality to America.
The articles goes on to note a range of ways in which western citizens are being systematically rated, and in some cases excluded, by corporate  America.
Because  America has the First Amendment, politicians can’t pass laws suppressing speech or punishing dissidents against the established order — but they can, and frequently do, bully tech companies into doing their dirty work for them."